Ultimate third trimester checklist for moms!!

Doesn’t time fly?
Seems like just last week you were announcing your pregnancy – and soon you’ll be announcing your sweet baby’s arrival. Wow!!
The third trimester – from 28 to 40 weeks – should be a time to rest, get plenty of sleep and enjoy those last few baby-free weeks with your husband.
But it can be hectic and stressful because that to-do list seems endless.
So I’ve rounded up 23 of the most essential things for your third trimester checklist – don’t worry there are lots of fun things in this list, too!!
And remember, you don’t have to do it all yourself. Family and friends will be happy to help you prepare for baby, so do accept ALL offers of help.
Third Trimester Checklist
Prepare for Birth

Here are some essential things to do in your third trimester to help you prepare for labor and birth.
1. Finish Your Birth Plan
Have you finished your birth plan, mama?
If not, be sure to get it finished soon – you never know when baby might decide to say hello!!
You can get a flexible one-page birth plan from Hilary at Pulling Curls – she’s a labor and delivery nurse so she knows what she’s talking about!
Go ahead and print out a few copies for the hospital, your birth partners and for spare, just in case. Stash them by the front door with your hospital bag for a quick exit when the time comes!!
2. Check Your Hospital Bag
Speaking of hospital bags, mama, is yours ready?
Check out this helpful list of things Caroline from Swaddles and Bottles wish she’d had in her hospital bag – and what she didn’t need.
Don’t forget to pack a bag for dad too. Small change for parking meters, water bottle, earbuds, batteries, camera, phone charger and man-snacks – you get the idea!!
3. Choose and Pack Baby’s Going Home Clothes
I love this item in the third trimester checklist!
This is a fun one, mama! Your sweet newborn is going to need a cute outfit to go home in.
And I’ve rounded up 17 perfect outfits for bringing baby home.
Don’t forget to add them to your hospital bag!!
4. Learn These Natural Ways to Deal With Labor Pain
If you’re freaking out about the thought of actually giving birth – eek! – take some time to prepare your mind and body.
Read these 10 life-saving tips for coping with labor pain BEFORE the contractions start!!
5. Read Some Positive Birth Stories
Childbirth can seem frightening – especially for first time moms. So take time to read some positive, empowering birth stories.
You can simply search for positive birth stories online or check out one of these books. It truly is all about mindset, mama!!
6. Tour the hospital
Hopefully you’ve already chosen where you want to give birth – but if you haven’t don’t freak out. Just add it to the top of your to-do list!
And if you’re planning a hospital birth you’ll most likely be able to take a tour.This will help you get comfortable with the surroundings before you go into labor.
7. Consider Cord Blood Banking
I never thought of placing this item in my third trimester checklist but it looks awesome! You have the option of banking – or donating – the blood and tissue from you baby’s cord and placenta.
Why would you want to do this? Because that cord blood is full of potentially life saving stem cells that baby or a sibling may need in the future if they develop certain diseases.
If this is something you’re interested in, Stork Mama has an awesome guide on cord blood banking so make sure to check it out!
8. Plan Your Recovery
We often get so focused on the birth, that we forget to prepare for recovery after the birth. But this is a vital step for making life easier later – so you can concentrate on bonding with baby.
So set up a kit in the bathroom with some essentials:
Read my ultimate guide to postpartum recovery and find out how a sitz bath can help you heal faster.
A C-section might not be on your birth plan, but you never know what’s going to happen. So check out my guide to recovery after a c-section. Pin now for later – just in case!!
Prepare for Baby

Here are some essential things to do during your third trimester (and add to that checklist) to prepare for baby’s arrival.
9. Narrow Down Your Choice of Names
OK, so it’s not essential that you’ve chosen a name before baby is born. Some couples like to wait until they’ve ‘met’ baby, before they decide on a name.
But let’s narrow down that list of potential names now, mama!!
10. Stock Your Freezer
You don’t have to go crazy here! But you could make a few extra portions of food you’re already cooking and freeze it.
Here are 31 stupidly easy make ahead meals that the whole family will love.
11. Clean the House
Has that nesting bug hit you yet, mama?? And let’s be honest, you won’t have time for much – if any – cleaning during those first few weeks and months with baby.
So take the opportunity to get some cleaning done. But I’m actually thinking that you ask dad or hire someone to do the cleaning – put your feet up, mama!!
12. Discuss Your Maternity Leave
If you’re working, make sure you understand the maternity package offered by your employer – and that you’re happy with it!!
Worried about going back to work after your maternity leave?
When my twins were born, I just couldn’t face going back to work – or those huge childcare bills!!
So I became a freelance writer and a work at home mom. You can read about my story here. And if you want to start a viral blog too, be sure to read my easy start a blog guide.
12. Choose Your Pediatrician
This can be a tough one. But getting this crossed off your to-do list will help you sleep better at night!!
Leave yourself plenty of time to choose your pediatrician – hospitals are likely to require the pediatrician’s details before you take baby home.
Here’s a helpful guide to choosing a pediatrician.
13. Read About SIDs
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. All new moms worry about this one, right?
But I had to include it because there are some easy things you can do to reduce the risk: lie baby on her back to sleep, don’t overheat baby, and keep the crib as bare as possible.
You can read more about SIDS and how to reduce it here.
14. Get Ready to Breastfeed
If you’re a new mom, you might think that breastfeeding should be easy.
But breastfeeding can be challenging, especially in the first six weeks. So if you’re hoping to breastfeed, give yourself the best chance by taking time to prepare now.
Firstly, prepare yourself a breastfeeding kit. This could include:
Read more about preparing to breastfeed here.
And here are some posts to help you prepare for breastfeeding:
- Lactation recipes to help increase your milk supply
- Breastfeeding trackers for new moms
- Breastfeeding problems new moms struggle with
15. Cut Down Your Shopping List
Babies seem to need a LOT of stuff!!
And sticking to your baby budget can be tough.
But you can save money by just buying the essential items. Take a look at this post to find out what babies really need – and what you can cross off your shopping list.
16. Help your Husband Become a Great Dad
I know you’re doing your best to be a great mom. And did you know, there are some simple things you can do to help your husband become a great dad?
Read about these 8 easy ways to support your husband as he becomes a father – he may be feeling nervous too!!
17. Save the Memories
This HAS to be on your third trimester checklist!
Baby’s first year is going to fly by, mama!
And in the middle of you changing all those diapers, missing sleep, and learning all those mom hacks, you’ll want to save those treasured memories.
But keep it simple, mama!! This is no time for in depth scrapbooking or collage making – especially if you’re having twins!!
Check out these adorable ways to preserve all those moments:
Do Something for Yourself

Baby will soon be here, so take this opportunity to do something just for you.
18. Sleep
Yes, mama! I know you’ve got a lot on your to-do list right now.
But I promise you, you are going to miss sleep when your baby is here. If you’re finding it tough to sleep in this late stage of pregnancy, try a maternity pillow.
It saved me during my third trimester heart burn!
19. Take Pregnancy Photos
You might be sick of being pregnant right now. But I guarantee you’ll miss it one day.
So go ahead and snap some maternity photos. You’ll be glad you did.
19. Read a Book That Isn’t About Babies
Put your feet up and just read, mama. During that intense first week with your new baby, you’ll wonder if you’ll ever get to read a book again.
So make the most of your quiet time and read something that isn’t about babies!!
20. Spend Time With Your Husband
While it’s still just the two of you, make some time to spend time with your husband. Again, try to do something that is unrelated to babies.
Go to a restaurant, binge watch that Netflix show, or head to the movies.
21. Try Some Yoga
Get some gentle and relaxing exercise with yoga. Here are some yoga poses for the third trimester.
Be sure to check with the appropriate medical professional before undertaking any exercise.
For more ideas on how to treat yourself before baby arrives, check out this helpful post here.
Ultimate Checklist for Moms in the Third Trimester
That’s it, mama!
Twenty-three essential things to do before baby arrives and to add to your third trimester checklist!
I know it feels like you’re going to be pregnant forever. But this special time will be over before you know it and you’ll be saying, ‘hello’ to your sweet baby. Good luck, mama!!
I’ve kept this list as pared down as possible to make things simple for you. But let me know down below in the comments if you’ve got any awesome tips for preparing for baby in the third trimester.
I can’t wait to hear from you!!
Don’t forget to pin for later!! Baby brain is real, right?

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