26 Important Things To Do Before Baby Arrives

Ultimate pregnancy bucket list ideas for moms in their third trimester

Okay. You’ve made it through morning sickness – hopefully!

You’ve maybe even picked a name you and your husband can agree on!

Yes, mama,  your new baby will be here in just a few short weeks – doesn’t time fly?

And yes, there are a thousand things you could do before baby arrives.

But now is not the time for long to-do lists and overwhelm.

So, I’m sharing 26 simple things you can do to enjoy your third trimester and prepare for baby’s arrival.

I hope you enjoy it, mama!

But, before we get into this post, one thing I wish I did when I was pregnant with twins was take an online birthing class. The KOPA birthing class is perfect for pregnant moms to handle pregnancy and birth with less fear and anxiety.

First –Treat Yourself With the Simple Things

1. Sleep

A new mom’s exhaustion levels reach new heights in that first postpartum week. So now’s the time to put the overwhelming to-do list on pause and rest as much as you can. Enjoy as many lazy lie-ins as you can.

And enjoy not being woken up by a screaming baby!!

You’re going to be so glad you did, mama!

2. Enjoy a Hot Drink

As a new mom, it’s almost impossible to finish a hot drink before it goes cold. So go ahead and make yourself a hot drink.  Enjoy the steam, the heat and the not worrying you’re going to spill it on baby.

Later that will change into worrying where to put your coffee so your boisterous toddler can’t knock it over!!

Yes, it’s the simple things that change when baby arrives, mama!!

If you don’t like the idea of reheating your hot drinks countless times before you get to drink them, invest in a good quality thermal cup . And the lid will give you some peace of mind that you won’t accidentally spill your drink on baby.

3. Enjoy Going to the Bathroom On Your Own

I know you might be rolling your eyes and thinking ‘really, how hard can it be to grab one minute to pee?’ But It’s so tough!!

Your baby is likely to need near constant feeding, fall asleep on you for epic naps, or scream whenever you leave the room – or ALL three!

Note: my twins are 5 years old and they seem to know exactly when I’m in the bathroom because that is the crucial time they need me to fix a toy or find a toy or get them a snack…or find a toy! So treasure that time!

4. Read Something That Isn’t about Babies

There are so many books and magazines covering ALL aspects of pregnancy, birth, and looking after baby. And as a new mom it’s tempting to read as many as you can.

But in your third trimester take some time to read something that isn’t about babies. Once baby is here you’re likely not to have the energy and concentration needed to read a ‘grown up’ book.

So stock up your Kindle and get reading, mama!

5. Get a Haircut

Pregnancy can do strange things to your hair.  But postpartum hair loss is no joke! So make this opportunity to treat yourself to a haircut.

And why not a manicure too?

6. Start a Blog

I had to include this one, right?

I’m a serial blogger and I’m so grateful that blogging has allowed me to stay home with my babies. And it’s more than that – motherhood can be lonely, but as a blogger I get to connect with amazing mamas everyday.

Blogging is also a creative outlet – nothing like learning new skills to beat baby brain, right?

My favorite mom blogs are:

If you’ve been thinking about starting a blog, now’s a great time to get started. Check out my straightforward get started guide.

7. Watch TV

Now’s the time for that Netflix binge, mama! Enjoy staying up to watch just one more episode. And enjoy not knowing anything about kids’ TV shows!

8. Visit the Dentist

You will not have any time to even get a dental cleaning after you have your baby. Now is the time to see the dentist when you’re pregnant. Plus, simple dental issues can cause problems when you’re pregnant like pregnancy gingivitis!

So, schedule an appointment for a teeth cleaning today!

9. Go to the Movies

Mama, it took over a year for me to see a movie! Yes, having a baby and breastfeeding twins was all consuming for me! That’s why I’m glad my husband and I went to see a movie when I was pregnant.

10. Stock Up on Non-Baby Essentials

We all know that most of the preparation for baby will be getting all the necessary things for baby like a car seat and crib and diapers and wipes.

But, there are non-baby items that you should stock up on because…you’re going to be a new mom! And you’ll be tired and sore and want to snuggle and be with your newborn all day!

Here’s a short list of non-baby essentials:

  • Lysol and other cleaning supplies
  • Paper towels, paper plates and Kleenex
  • Thank You notes and stamps
  • Batteries
  • Ice cubes (you’re going to enjoy ice-cold water)

Simple Ways to Prepare for Baby

To keep things simple, I’ve pared this list down to the things that will seriously make life with your new baby easier and more comfortable.

11. Finish Your Birth Preparations

It can be daunting for new moms – but just a few simple preparations can make labor and delivery go more smoothly for you and your husband.

  • Put your hospital bag and birth plan by the front door
  • Sort out any insurance details and pre-register at the hospital if possible
  • Do a practice drive to the hospital with your husband or birth partner to see how long it takes, how to get there, and where you can park!
  • Read these life saving tips on how to cope when you’re in labor

Don’t forget to pack a bag for dad too!

Small change for parking meters, water bottle, swimwear if you’re planning a water birth, camera and batteries, phone charger, and snacks will be much appreciated.

Prepare for Baby’s First Week

My twins’ first day!

When first discovering you’re pregnant, it’s so easy to get lost in birth plans, maternity clothes and decorating the nursery. But it’s also important to prepare for baby’s first week at home.

12. Prepare to Recover

Childbirth can be tough on your body, mama. Especially if you end up having a C-section (like I did).

So invest some time now planning how you’ll recover.

Create a care package for yourself. OK they may not be glamorous, but things like Sitz Spray, comfort gel, a belly wrap and a stool softener will all aid a natural recovery.

13. Tame Your Tech

There are so many amazing gadgets that make life with a newborn easier.

Just be sure to figure out how to use that fancy baby monitor, breast pump, sterilizer – and whatever else you bought – BEFORE baby arrives.

And don’t forget to fit the car seat – and figure out how to use it – for the journey home from  hospital.

14. Prepare for Breastfeeding

If you’re planning to breastfeed, please remember that breastfeeding is natural but it’s not always easy.

And the perfect latch is essential for avoiding sore nipples and making sure baby feeds happily.

And don’t forget that babies have tiny tummies so they get hungry ALL the time – so it’s likely you’re going to find yourself nursing in public sooner or later!

Check out these awesome tips on how to nurse in public without fear.

15. Prepare a Baby Feeding Kit

 It’s so frustrating!

You’ve just started feeding baby when you realize you left your phone, water bottle, snack, nipple cream and whatever else you need, all the way over the other side of the room!

Get yourself prepared with a simple basket and fill it with all your essentials.

You may be pinned under a hungry baby for a while!

16. Know What to Expect in the First Postpartum Week

The first week of baby’s life is a whirlwind for new moms and dads – there’s so much to learn and so little sleep!

So take a moment now to read this honest post on what the first week with a new baby is REALLY like – and don’t forget it pin it for later.

Don’t forget to share it with your husband, too!

17. Get a Breast Pump

Your milk will come in a couple of days after baby’s arrival.And when it does, your breasts are going to like the before and after photos of a boob job. Seriously!

I know that might sound great, but all that milk can be really uncomfortable. And for me, a breast pump is the one thing I didn’t have on hand when I needed it the most.

A simple manual pump works just fine. Or if you’re looking for an electric pump, this one is a budget friendly one. And crucially it’s a low noise pump – perfect for night time pumping!!

Whichever breast pump you choose, be sure to familiarize yourself with how to use it – and make sure no pieces are missing – before baby arrives.

18. Find a Mom and Baby Group Near You

One thing that definitely makes motherhood easier, is chatting it up with other new moms.

And if you’re planning to breastfeed, finding a supportive group can help increase your chances of breastfeeding success. Check your local listings for groups near you.

19. Get Some Comfortable Clothes Ready

I gained 60 lbs. when I was pregnant with my twins. And by the end of my pregnancy, I sure was looking forward to not wearing maternity clothes!!

But you won’t be wearing ‘proper clothes’ for a while yet, mama. It can take a little while to lose that baby weight.

A good rule of thumb is to dig out clothes that fit you at about 6 months pregnant – forget about looking like Kate Middleton when you leave hospital!

Get Organized for Baby

You don’t have to organize your entire home. But a few simple organized tweaks can make things run much more smoothly when baby is here.

20. Prepare Some Frozen Meals

Don’t have to go overboard and spend the whole day cooking!

But why not make some extra portions of meals to freeze for those first few postpartum weeks – you’ll be glad you did, mama!

Here’s a list of easy make ahead dinners –  #29 is a sure fire crowd pleaser!

21. Stock Up on Baby Essentials

It’s surprising how many diapers and wipes a newborn can get through in just one day. And you definitely don’t want to be running out to the store in the middle of the night – or sending your husband!

So stock up on a few of the baby essentials  – things like diapers, wipes and formula.

And why not stock up on household items too?

Toilet rolls, shampoo, toothpaste and anything else you use regularly. I’d definitely throw some stain remover into your shopping cart  too for all that baby sick and poop you’ll be facing!!

Even better,  make sure you never run out of these things again by using Amazon’s Save and Subscribe option.

22. Set Up a Photo System

You’ll take a ton of photos of your new baby – so now’s the time to set up some kind of system for organizing and printing these photos.

Find a budget friendly print service, invest in an external hard drive, or use a service like chatbooks.com – whatever system is going to work for you so that you capture all the magical moments of those first few whirlwind weeks.

23. Get Your Car Cleaned Inside

It’s the little things, right? But it’s true – once you have children, the inside of your car gets pretty messy with dropped sippy cups, crumbs, mud and lots of toys!

So treat yourself to a car detail – inside and out.

And enjoy it!

24. Get Ahead with Gift Shopping

If you’ve got Christmas or any birthdays coming up, why not buy and wrap them now?

If Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, why not check out this list of gift ideas he’ll love.

25. Invest in a Water Bottle

Water is a new mom’s BFF!

Drinking plenty of water can help you lose the baby weight AND it’s great for staying hydrated while you’re breastfeeding. I love this water bottle – it’s huge and keep water ice cold all day. Can I say ‘life saver’?

For You and Your Husband

26. Plan a Babymoon

Babymoons are so popular right now!

Just a little bit of time away from setting up the nursery and testing baby monitors can be a lifesaver. And a great way to reconnect with your husband before baby arrives.

Just remember to talk about something not related to babies, birth plan or parenthood! And you don’t have to spend much – now would be a great time to sample the delights of your local area!

Things to Do In Your Third Trimester

There ya’ go! The ultimate pregnancy bucket list of things to do in your third trimester before baby arrives.

Just remember not to overfill  your to-do list. And rest as much as you can – you’ll be glad you did.

KOPA Essentials Birthing Class (Online)

Click here for more information!

Don’t forget to pin for later!

Your turn – what things are you crossing off your bucket list before baby arrives? Let me know in the comments.

Good luck, mama!

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Such a great article! Thank you for sharing! I have baby #2 on the way and this is a great refresher!Reply
Hey Sabra! Congrats on bundle #2!Reply
Wish id found this before my first, I had a good giggle at the bathroom bit!Reply
Ha! Thanks Lynzie. I know what you mean. I wish I knew more about having twins and being pregnant too!Reply

Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).