Things you wouldn’t think of for a newborn – a guide for new moms

There are so many baby products that you could buy.
The amount of choice is completely overwhelming for new moms, right?
So how do you know what you should spend your precious baby budget on?
To make life easier for you, I’ve rounded up 19 life-saving products that you might not have thought about.
Mama, these are going to make your mom life so much easier – especially in that first intense week at home with baby!
Things You Need for Your Newborn
1. Emery Board for Babies
Baby nails grow surprisingly fast!
And although they’re soft, babies can badly scratch up their faces, eyes and you with those little nails! So you’ll need to keep those nails short.
Doctors advise using a nail file during the first few weeks – which is much less frightening that trying to trim baby’s nails with scissors.
S-shaped nail files are perfect for the job because they curve around little fingers and toes.
One of the best mom hacks you’ll probably hear is to clip your baby’s nails when they’re asleep.
No more worrying about baby’s flailing arms!!
But it’s not as easy to see what you’re doing. So when you’re ready to start clipping baby’s nails, a nail clipper with a light is going to save your mom-life!
Genius! I wish I would have had that when my twins were babies.
2. Nose Cleaner

As a new mom, you’ll be dealing with lots of bodily fluids!
Including boogers!
And while you could use the blue bulb sucker for mucus, one quick and easy way to relieve stuffy noses is with the Oogiebear Booger Cleaner.
Yes, you could use a Q-tip.
But the Oogiebear works better – and the design means you can’t stick it too far into baby’s nose.
And I’d recommend getting a few – one for the diaper bag, the nursery, the car, and your purse.
3. Colic Remedies
We know babies cry.
That how they communicate their needs. Right?
But what if your baby is screaming for more than 3 hours or more??
You might have a ‘colicky baby.’
We don’t know the cause of colic. But there are some remedies you can try. Including gripe water and BioGaia.
When my daughter was a newborn, she cried often and had a hard time going poop. It would often explode or she would strain to go. I used gripe water, did bicycle movements and still, she had crying fits for hours.
Our pediatrician recommended BioGaia and I’m forever grateful for this. Even today – six years later – we still give our twins BioGaia as a healthy and natural probiotic.
To learn more about the symptoms of colic and other remedies, check out this helpful post.
Dealing with a colicky baby – when you’re already hugely sleep deprived – can be very difficult. So be sure that you and your husband get the support you need to help you through this difficult phase.
4. Thermometer
Do new moms ever stop worrying about their baby’s health?
A good infant thermometer is a must. But trying to take the temperature of a wriggly baby is hard!
So make life easier for yourself – and baby – with a forehead thermometer. This one looks perfect.
Kids get sick all the time! So you’ll be using this one for years, mama!
5. Receiving blankets
For swaddling, mopping up messes, and even just rolling up for support, you really can’t have enough receiving blankets.
And when baby grows up, receiving blankets can be repurposed into so many different things.
You’re likely to get receiving blankets as new mom gifts. But you can grab a cute set here for a budget friendly price.
A good rule of thumb is always get more than you think you’ll need – some of them will always be in the laundry!!
6. Toy strap
How do you fancy picking up dropped baby toys 400 times an hour?
I thought not! Hahah!
But seriously, those cute toys that keep baby happy, are so easily dropped – especially when you’re out and about.
So keep them secure with a toy strap.
These are great for pacifiers, toys, books, and sippy cups.
Grab some now and thank me later!
7. Bandanna Bibs
Your newborn baby will soon be teething.
And with teething comes a LOT of drool.
Keep baby dry with some adorable bandana bibs. And buying a stack of these is much easier than changing drool-soaked baby outfits multiple times a day!!
Bandana bibs are also awesome if you have a baby who spits-up a lot too!
Keep them in the diaper bag, the car, your purse, the nursery, and everywhere else, mama.
8. A Diaper Bag for Dad

We know that diaper bags are a baby essential.
But what about a diaper bag that dad will love to carry?
This diaper ‘backpack’ is perfect for dad – with plenty of pockets and stroller straps.
And what’s best is that it leaves your hands free!
9. Diaper Pail
Get ready to change your newborn’s diapers up to 10 times a day!
And the average age of potty training in the US is between 35 and 39 months, that’s a lot of diapers!
So a diaper pail is a fantastic investment and I recommend the Ubbi. It’s only 4 inches in diameter. You don’t need any special bags. And – best of all –it locks in odours.
Things for Baby – Sleep Time
Getting baby to sleep is probably one of the most difficult things for new parents. Make life easier with these newborn essentials.
10. Night Light
You won’t want to switch a lamp on and disturb everyone’s sleep. So a night light is essential for those middle of the night feeds.
A night light is also useful for when you check on baby during the night – as all new parents do! No more stubbing your toe!
A cute and easy night light that’s touch control is your best option for those sleep deprived nights.
11. Sleep Sheep
When my twins were little, I got them both on the same schedule – to leave me time for pumping milk, preparing food and doing chores. One thing I relied on to help get them to sleep was the Sleep Sheep.
I used the white noise setting to indicate to them that it was time to sleep. But the Sleep Sheep also plays other sounds – music, lullabies, waves, mother’s heartbeat.
My favorite – the whales! When my twins were older they loved listening to that to help them fall asleep! Go figure!
Anything that gets you and baby more sleep is a ‘must’ in my book!
12. Sleep Sack
Sleep deprivation seems to come with the territory when you’re a new parent.
But there are some things you can do to help get baby to sleep through the night – or at least for 30 minutes!
I used the Halo Sleepsack with both of my twins and I LOVE it! I’m sure they slept longer and more soundly in a sleep sack – this sleep sack really was our saving grace!

Don’t underestimate the dreadful effects of sleep deprivation, mama!
Pssst! Have you checked all those essential to-do’s off your third trimester checklist yet, mama?
Things For the New Mom
As new moms we get so intent on looking after baby, that we often forget to look after ourselves!
So here are some new mom essentials you may have overlooked.
13. Postpartum Recovery Kit
Whether you have a vaginal birth or a C-section you must take care of yourself in those difficult postpartum weeks.
And the kindest thing you can do for yourself is set up a recovery kit BEFORE those contractions start.
Don’t forget to include essentials like:
- Sitz bath soak – You’ll be so glad you tried a sitz bath.
- Basic maternity pads
- Cotton underwear
- Nursing bras
Grab your postpartum recovery checklist here – you’ll be glad you did.
14. Prenatal Vitamins
Yes, really!
Your doctor might recommend that you keep taking your pregnancy vitamins – especially if you’re breastfeeding.
Best of all, taking your vitamins can help with postpartum hair loss – yes, it’s a real thing!
But be sure to check with an appropriate health care professional before you take any vitamins or supplements.
15. Breastfeeding Tracker
In the blur of changing diapers, coping with sleep deprivation and the huge learning curve of being a new mom, those first few postpartum weeks can be overwhelming.
One tool guaranteed to help you stay on top of things is a breastfeeding tracker. Find out more about why and how to track here.
There are lots of apps, printables and journals to help you track – find the best ones here.
16. Nipple Cream
Just as you’re recovering from childbirth, you’re also trying to master breastfeeding!!
But breastfeeding isn’t always easy – for mom or baby.
So a good quality nipple cream is a must – even if it’s not a very glamorous purchase!
Buy a few tubes and keep one in your breastfeeding station, the diaper bag, the nursery and soothe the pain of cracked nipples!!
17. Breast Milk Storage Bags

You may have already decided to exclusively breastfeed – but when it comes to feeding baby, it pays to be flexible!!
So stock up on some milk storage bags – don’t waste a drop of that precious liquid!
Remember that pumping is a great way to let dad do a feed and bond with baby.
Don’t forget to bookmark my guide to storing and thawing breastmilk.
18. Water Bottle
A water bottle is a new mom’s BFF!
Drinking enough water is a great way to help lose the baby weight.
And staying hydrated is essential for breastfeeding moms.
I LOVE my Thermos Water Bottle. It can hold 16oz and keeps water cold all day.
19. Laundry Soap
I realize that a lot of these items involve dealing with body fluids!
But that’s motherhood for ya!
And when you’re dealing with all those body fluids, a good laundry soap is an essential.
One clever mom hack for dealing with a poop blowout is to use to cold water and bar soap. A quick scrub will take that stain right out.
I use Ivory because my mother-in-law told me that she used it for her son (my hubby) and that her mom used it for her stains! And, it worked great for food stains and those poop explosion stains!
19 Sanity-Saving Things You Never Knew You Needed for Your Newborn
Yes, babies do seem to need a lot of stuff.
But the good news is that many of these sanity saving products for newborns will see you through several years.
And you’ll be able to use them for your second, third or even fourth child.
If you’re struggling to set a baby budget, don’t forget to check out my guide to budgeting for baby. Can you say, ‘life saver’?
Over to you – tell me in the comments if you’ve come across any essential newborn baby items. I can’t wait to hear from you.
Don’t forget to pin for later!

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