74 Creative Ways to Make Money As a Stay At Home Mom

Quit your job for good and stay at home with the kids with creative ways to make money at home.

Do you want to stay at home with the kids?

I hear ya, mama!

When my twins were born, I was determined to stay at home to raise them. My mama bear instinct kicked in strong and I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving them to go back to work.

And let’s not talk about how much childcare would’ve cost!

If you’re in a similar situation but wondering how to contribute to family finances, stick around. I’ve got 74 creative ways to make money from home.

Finding out how to make money as stay at home mom doesn’t have to be hard and it can be totally fun!

And if you’re looking for easy ways to live frugally and save money, check out this helpful post.

74 Creative Ways to Make Money As a Stay At Home Mom

How to find legitimate work at home opportunities proved to be a challenge for me.


I came across so many work at home scams while putting this blog post together. Please be so careful about what opportunities you jump on. I know it’s an oldie, but remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

And always calculate your hourly wage before doing any work at home. There are lots of opportunities, but the pay can often be below minimum wage. 


Hands up if you love to write?

I do!!

There are lots of work at home opportunities – here are some of my favorites.

1. Blogging

I had to start here, right?

I’m a serial blogger – you can read about all my blogs here  – and I’m so thankful that my blogs have allowed me to stay at home with my twins.

Blogging is NOT a get rich quick scheme.

So if you need money immediately, this is not a good option. But if you’re looking to build something meaningful and you’re willing to learn new skills, blogging could be a perfect match for you.

Here are some helpful posts to get you started:

How to Start a Blog for Beginners

8 Blog Niches that Drive Traffic (and Make Money)

How to Drive Traffic to a New Blog

But how do bloggers make money?

There are lots of creative ways stay at home moms can make money. Here are some that I’ve personally tested out.

Sell a Course

Once you’ve set up your blog and built a following, you can create helpful courses for your readers. I’ve currently created courses and masterclasses for sale and they bring me a steady income each month – and I get to help people! Double win!

Make Affiliate Income

Who doesn’t want to make money while they sleep?

If you’re not sure what affiliate income is, it’s where you add helpful links to products that your readers can buy  – such as from Amazon. When your readers click on these links and make a purchase, you get a small commission.

I’ve been working on monetizing this blog with affiliate income.

You can see how I’ve added affiliate links in this blog post, I’ve done my best to write a helpful post but also included some affiliate links to products I know my readers will love.

Want to know more about monetizing a blog with affiliate income? Check out Michelle’s blog Making Sense of Cents. She’s the queen of affiliate marketing.

Offer a Service

Let’s get real for a minute.

You need consistent, targeted traffic to make money from selling courses and affiliate income.

So the quickest way to start making an income from blogging is to offer a service. You only need to find a couple of clients a month. And blogging is a great way to showcase your expertise.

Not sure what services to offer? Here’s a helpful list of 22 freelance services you can offer.

2. Freelance Writing

Why not get PAID to write?

When I first decided to become a stay at home mom, I offered freelance writing services as a way to stay home with my twins and make an income quickly.

And you can too!

Businesses are waking up to the benefits of having a blog. And they need longform, quality content to rank on Google. You could be getting paid to write that for them!

Here’s my free 6-day email course to getting paid to write online.

Here are 12 sites that pay moms $100 to write.

And if you love writing lists, check out 6 ways to make money writing lists.

3. Ghostwriting

Another creative way to make money at home is ghostwriting.

Ghostwriting is when you write material – blog posts or books, for example – that will be published under someone else’s name.

Want to know more?

Check out these helpful blog posts:

How to Become a Ghostwriter as a Beginner.

The Path to Becoming a Ghostwriter.

4. Write an Ebook

Amazon Kindle Marketplace has opened up book publishing. Now all you need is a computer – and a good idea – and BOOM you too can publish a book!

Here’s how you can write and publish your first ebook.

5. Write Greetings Cards

How long does it take you to choose a greeting card?

It seems to take me forever!

But did you know you can get paid for writing the greeting inside cards?

It’s not easy work – it needs to be short, engaging copy. Here’s a list of companies that accept submissions from freelancers.


This one will be controversial, right?

I know a lot of us will hate the idea of selling. But as long as you believe in what you’re promoting and don’t use any shady techniques, it can be a great way to help people. I mean, you’re hooking people up with products that will make their lives easier, right?

Here are a few ways you can make an income selling online.

6. FBA – Fulfilled By Amazon. Source Products to Sell

One of the worst things about having your own shop must be storing your inventory. Then when you make a sale you have to pack, label and ship it!

But what if someone else could do all that for you?

And what if they had access to millions of potential customers for your goods?

Say hello to FBA!

Just send your inventory to Amazon and let them do the rest. Well, there’s a bit more to it than that.

Want to know more?

Find out how this family make a healthy income by selling stock on Amazon. They also have a helpful free course on how to get started.

7. FBA – Fulfilled by Amazon. Design, Outsource and Dropship Your Own Product

How about designing and creating your own product to sell on Amazon?

Here is an inspiring interview with Amazon entrepreneur Adam Hudson. He spills the beans on how he built a sustainable and scalable income on Amazon by getting his product manufactured in China.

He even has a helpful free video course that’s really fun to watch.

8. Open an Etsy Store. Create Your Own Product

Of course it’s not just all about Amazon for finding creative ways to make money!

What about opening an Etsy store?

If you’re a crafty type, you could create and sell your own line of handmade products on Etsy. Here’s a complete guide on opening an Etsy store to get you started.

Not sure what to create? Here’s a list of 45 crafts you could make and sell on Etsy.

Or, get ready for the busiest time of the year with this list of crafts for Christmas.

If you’re blogging, you could direct your readers to your Etsy store like Kristie from the CEO Mom.

9. Open an Etsy Store. Design, Outsource and Dropship Your Own Product

One drawback to an Etsy shop – or any shop – is the work it takes to create, pack, label and post your product.

So how about getting someone else to do it for you?

Gemma Bonham Carter has an amazing business model – she designs her own product line to sell on Etsy. And then outsources and dropships it.

This is much closer to the Holy Grail of passive income. She has a free list of drop ship her own trusted manufacturers in the USA and Australia available on her website.

10. Open an Etsy Store. Sell Printables

One way to avoid the stress of managing a shop inventory is to sell digital download printables.

Here’s how to get started.

There are plenty of free ways to learn design skills. And Udemy and SkillShare have lots of budget-friendly courses to help you learn.

If you’ve got a blog, don’t forget to direct readers and email subscribers to your shop like Chrissy from Organise My House.

11. Sell on Ebay

Maybe you’ve sold a couple of things on Ebay when you’ve been clearing out your closet or getting rid of some old toys. But do you know that some people make a full time income on Ebay?

Here’s some advice from the work at home Queen, Sarah Titus, on making a living on Ebay.

And don’t forget that you can also sell on other sites like Craigslist, Poshmark, and OfferUp.

These days, there are plenty of options for opening a shop. Take a look at this helpful blog – with a free email course – on the many different ways to open a shop and work at home.

12. Flip Blogs

 Did you know that I actually bought this blog from a friend of mine?

It’s true!

You can buy and sell blogs. And you can make a nice income. Read all about flipping blogs here.

13. Sell Stock Photos

If you’re handy with a camera, you could sell your photos to stock photo sites. You probably won’t get rich, but it’s a nice bit of passive income once you’re set up with an account and up-loaded your photos.

You earn money on commission, so the more times your photos are downloaded the more you earn. Commission rates seem to vary wildly. Here’s a helpful list of sites that will showcase your photos.

14. Direct Selling

There are lots of companies that pay you to sell their products.

I feel like you’d have to be more of a natural salesperson to do well in this. But if that appeals to you, check out companies like Avon, Mary Kay and Stella & Dot and others.

Here’s how one mom made $2,000 a month selling for Stella & Dot.

Be very careful about work at home scams involving direct selling companies. Always do your research!

15. Create and Sell a Subscription Box

Ever since Netflix, the monthly subscription business model has been gaining a lot of interest. In particular the subscription box.

So why not create your own subscription box? The list of things you could sell is endless. Find out how to create your own here.

This would be a great way to monetise a blog too!

Creative Ways to Make Money from What You’re Already Doing

There are some work at home ideas that let you cash in on stuff you’re already doing!

16. Start Your Own Laundry Business

I know you don’t love the idea of doing more laundry, mama!

But you can make some easy money helping other people with their laundry.

Here’s how to set-up your own laundry business.

She even has a book out about this business model.

17. Set-up a Dog Walking Service

Do you have a dog?

How about setting up a dog walking business and make money when you walk your dog?

By the way, if the kids have been begging you to get them a dog, this is a great way to get doggy hugs and fun without the expense – just sayin’!

Check out how to get your dog walking business started.

But it’s not just walkies!

People are looking for pet sitters to take care of their dogs while they go on vacation.

To find out more check out this. They claim you can earn up to $1000 a month!

18. Grocery Shopping

OK, if you dread the thought of going to the grocery store, this one may not be for you.

But you can totally get paid to shop for groceries – and help out members of your community.

Shipit is looking for reliable shoppers to shop for groceries.

Here are 10 reasons to love it.

19. Baby-Sitting

 Lots of families need help with childcare.

If you think you could offer childcare services, check out Care and Sitter City.

Remember to check out local laws and regulations for childcare providers.

20. Mystery Shopping

Get paid to shop!

Lots of companies use mystery shoppers to test out customer service. If you’re out and about shopping anyway, this can be a good way to top up your income.

Here are some tips from Lauren on becoming a mystery shopper and what to expect.

You can even work as a mystery shopper by phone.

And here’s how to get paid to go to the movies.

Here’s a company that pays in cash.

Monetize Your Talents

Wouldn’t it be great to get paid to do what you love!

Here’s a list of ways to monetise your hidden talents.

And don’t forget that you could learn new skills or polish up your basic knowledge to make a bit of extra money. Udemy and SkillShare are great budget options for learning new skills.

21. Sell photos and Illustrations for Greeting Cards

 I’ve already mentioned selling copy for greeting cards as a side hustle. But did you know companies are also looking for photos and illustrations for their greeting cards?

Here’s a list of 28 companies accepting work from freelancers.

22. Design and Sell Greeting Cards

Greeting cards are big business!

Here’s how one woman designs, prints and sells greeting cards on Etsy.

23. Become a Photographer

 Are you handy with your DSLR camera?

So, why not monetise your talent and become a photographer?

Lots of moms pay top dollar for beautiful family photos. But you could choose any niche that interests you. Here’s a basic guide to getting your photography hustle started.

24. Bake and Decorate Birthday Cakes

 Who hasn’t had a Pinterest-fail while trying to decorate their kid’s birthday cake? I certainly have!

But if you’re good at decorating cakes – or you fancy learning how – then why not monetise this talent?

You could start small by offering your services to friends’ and neighbors.

25. Create and Sell Logos for Blogs

So many mamas are taking the plunge and setting up blogs – and that’s great!!

But not everyone has the talent – or patience – to design a beautiful logo to set their blog apart. So if you enjoy designing logos, why not monetise it?

The great thing is that this can eventually set up as a passive stream of income. See how the talented Adrianna from MintSwift sells her logos and pre-made branding kits.

You could also sell logos on Etsy and Creative Market.

You don’t need any fancy software and could easily set yourself up for free on Canva. Facebook groups are a great place to find clients. Just remember to be helpful and not spam the groups.

26. Work as a Translator

Do you habla espanol? Or French or German or anything other than English?

Then why not work as a translator?

Verbalizeit is always looking for translators.




Translator’s Cafe

And there are lots more!

You could also offer your services on places like UpWork and Fiverr

27. Teach Music

 If you play a musical instrument then you’re almost guaranteed to make money at home with this one.

So many parents are willing to pay for music tuition for their kids. Just be sure to check local laws and regulations.

You could appeal to families on smaller budgets by taking on small groups of students at discounted rates – a cool and creative way to make money and help your community!

28. Sell Your Handwriting

People will pay for your calligraphy and hand lettering skills.

And again, this is something you can learn fairly cheaply – start with some YouTube videos.

You could start by creating a portfolio and setting up a blog to showcase your talents.

29. Use Your Sewing Machine

 I completely suck at using my sewing machine.

But if you know how to do simple alterations, or make curtains or cushions – that’s a talent you can monetize!

Start by helping out friends and neighbors and let them help get the word out!

30. Plan Events

 Are you super organized?

Do you have an eye for detail and customer service?

If so, you could make money planning parties and other events.

Here’s a useful guide on becoming an events planner.

31. Work as a Voice Actor

 This one was a surprise for me – but you can make a healthy income as a voice actor!

This is a helpful guide to the voice acting industry.

The surge in audiobooks in recent years has really made this a lucrative side hustle.

You can get started for free here.

32. Scan Family Photos

 I think most of us have a big box of old family photos somewhere at home, right?

Lots of people want to scan those old family photos to preserve them. But that takes so much time and effort. Here’s how RoseMarie, from the Busy Budgeter set up a nice side hustle scanning other people’s family photos for them.

You’ll need some basic tech, lots of patience and good organization skills. It’s a time intensive hustle, but let’s remember that this is important work – preserving people’s family memories!

33. Grow and Sell Produce

 Farmers’ Markets are hugely popular because people love to buy food grown with care.

You can grow healthy sized crops even if you don’t have lots of space.

This hustle is probably for those who already grow their own produce but don’t let that stop you learning. Here’s an easy guide for beginners.

Don’t be scared to start small and sell to friends and neighbors.

34. Become a Tutor

 Tutoring is big business!

And there are lots of companies that recruit tutors:



Elevate K-12

But don’t forget to advertise your skills locally – print out some business cards, tell friends and neighbors you’re offering tutoring services, run a ad in your local paper.

35. Become a Bookkeeper

Lots of  people are setting up their own businesses and working for themselves – and that’s awesome! But lots of those people don’t consider how they’ll keep track of the financial side of things and pay the right taxes.

So why not become a bookkeeper and market your services to entrepreneurs?

If you’re not a bookkeeper already, why not learn?

Ben offers a free email course so you can see if bookkeeping is for you.

And here’s Alexis from FITnancials on how she made money as a bookkeeper.

36. Teach English

 If you hold a Bachelor’s Degree, why not get started teaching English with VIPKID?

VIPKID teaches English to children in China. And best of all there’s no lesson preparation or marking to do.

There is a strict selection process.

Still got questions? Check out this helpful guide.

Other places to teach English.

37. Monetize Your Skills with Fiverr

If you haven’t heard of Fiverr, it’s an online marketplace for digital services. Sellers can list their service, starting at $5. And buyers can search for the service they need.

Although jobs or ‘gigs’ start at $5, sellers can also add on additional services for extra.

What service could you offer?

Literally anything!

There’s a massive range of services you can offer. And really the possibilities are endless.

You probably won’t get rich on Fiverr – although some people have.

But it’s a great way to dip your toe into online work. All the payments are taken care of on the Fiverr platform so no need to invoice clients or chase up late payers.

But it’s not just about Fiverr!

There are loads of ways to make money at home doing ‘micro-jobs.’ These are great for stay at home moms who have unpredictable schedules.

Check out these micro job sites:

38. Create an Online Course

Anyone can create an online course these days!

So if you’ve got a talent for something, you can bet there are people who’ll pay you to teach them that talent.

You don’t even need a huge blog or a lot of traffic to get started.

I created my courses on Teachable.

But there are other course platforms. Here’s an awesome post comparing some of the favorites.

And here’s a guide to getting started on Udemy.

39. Become a Virtual Assistant – VA

Blogging is very time consuming.

And lots of bloggers are looking to make their lives easier by hiring a virtual assistant.

There are so many services you could offer as a VA. And don’t worry if you’re a beginner, you can learn these skills. Want to know how to get started?

Here’s a great guide to getting your VA business up quickly.

And here’s an awesome interview with the VA of Michelle from Making Sense of Cents.

Want to see how the pros do it? Check out Emma’s service’s page.

40. Build Websites

Don’t skip past this one thinking you’re not tech-savvy enough!

As I said before, lots of people are getting started with their own websites, so there’s a lot of potential in this work at home opportunity.

If you’re interested, take a look at this post on how even beginners can get started.

Or you could work specifically with Squarespace websites like the crazy-talented Lauren from Elle & Company.

Make Money on Social Media

41. Facebook Ads Manager


A job where you’re actually supposed to be on Facebook all day long!!

A Facebook ads manager works with clients to put together a particular campaign – promoting a webinar, service, digital product for example.

There are lots of places to learn if you’re still a beginner. Here’s an awesome interview with a full time FB ads manager.

42. Build and Monetize a Facebook Page

 Another way to make money on Facebook!

No matter what niche, you could potentially make money creating helpful content that attracts loyal fans. Make money with affiliate income or selling your own products or services – the possibilities are endless.

Get more details here.

43. Become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Help a blogger explode their traffic on Pinterest!

There are really two opportunities here – Pinterest Manager and Pinterest Assistant. This post explains the difference.

Whichever one you opt for, having a website is a good way to appeal to potential clients.

Want to learn more about Pinterest –  here’s a great place to start.

44. Make Affiliate Income on Pinterest – Without Writing a Single Blog Post

If you’ve ever read an income report, you’ve probably realized that affiliate marketing income is big news.

But did you know you can make affiliate income on Pinterest without a blog?

Just in case you aren’t sure – affiliate marketing is recommending great products to people who need them. When people purchase, you get a ‘commission.’

Here’s how you can make affiliate income on Pinterest without writing blog posts.

Get more details about how to get started here http://organizeyour.biz

45. Earn as a Social Media Manager

Social media is a massive time suck for bloggers.

So why not make money creating content and a social media strategy for them?

If you love social media, this could be a no brainer for you.

Social Confetti has you covered with all the details.

Use Your Eye for Detail

If you’ve got patience and an eye for detail, you’ll love one of these work at home opportunities.

46. Transcribe

 Transcription is big business. And transcriptionists are needed in such a huge range of niches – medical, legal, business, the list is endless.

Janet from Transcribe Anywhere is an amazing resource if you’re interested in this kind of work.

Read how this stay at home mom makes a steady income as a transcriptionist.

47. Scope

Hands up if you know what a scopist does?

Haha! I didn’t either!

A scopist edits the transcripts of court reporters and checks for accuracy.

Doesn’t that sound fascinating?

If you’re interested you need to read this post from the cheerleader of scopists.

48. Proofread

I’ve come across so many work at home scams while preparing this post – and proofreading seems to come up again and again.

But Caitlin from Proofread Anywhere is the real deal.

You can make money proofreading if you set yourself up properly from the beginning.

49. Work as a Court Researcher

This is another creative way to make money that really caught my eye – maybe I’ve been watching too much cop TV!

But you really can get paid to do research at home.

Here’s a list of companies that pay researchers and another.

50. Online Research 

But it’s not just courts that need researchers!

There are many companies that pay work at home researchers. This is another area where you’ll have to search job boards but a bit of patience could pay off.

Find the best places to look here.

51. Write Close Captions

 When my twins were first born, my husband and I would sometimes end up watching movies with the close captions – just so we didn’t wake up our babies!

But who writes all those captions?

Well, it could be you!

And it’s not just movies – you could be transcribing podcasts, webinars, lectures.

Rev hires freelancers. You have to take an online test but once you’re approved you can pick your hours and get paid via PayPal.

Want to see how someone’s making money with Rev?

52. Assess Ads for Google

You’ll have to keep an eye out for these opportunities. But you can get paid to assess ads.

Learn more about becoming an ad assessor here.

And here.

53. Evaluate Search Engines

 Google, Bing and other search engines use highly sophisticated tech-geekery to make sure people get the results they want. But these big companies also pay people to check results for accuracy and relevancy.

Yes, this is a true ‘work in your pjs’ job.

You can learn more about working as a search engine evaluator here.

54. Become a Notary Public – USA

 So what does a notary actually do?

Very simply, a notary public witnesses the signing of legal documents.

There’s a bit more to it than that, of course.

But anyone can train and become a notary. And make extra money! Hurrah!

Find out more about what a notary does in this helpful interview.

Different states have different rules, so check out your local requirements here.

There are some training and start up costs but this looks like a great side hustle, if you’re US-based.

55. Send Medical Bills

Another work at home scam red flag – but real opportunities do exist. Just don’t hand over money for dodgy courses promising easy money!

And it’s definitely not a job for beginners – you’ll need to know about medical terminology and medical coding systems.

Get more details about becoming a medical biller here and always do your research.

Creative Ways to Make Money – Get Paid to Give Your Opinion

Who doesn’t love giving their opinion?

But did you know there are a bunch of work at home opportunities doing just that?

You definitely won’t get rich doing these, but they’re a great way to add another stream of income to your family’s budget.

56. Be a Mock Juror

Doesn’t this sound fascinating!

All the thrill of the courtroom with none of the stress of jury duty!

Well, not quite.

But there are companies that pay for your opinions on legal cases.

You must be US-based.

57. Take Surveys

There are lots of companies desperate to know what people think about a range of products and services. Why not add your opinion?

You won’t get rich from taking surveys – but you might cover some groceries each month.

Try taking some surveys when you’re watching your latest Netflix binge.

Here are some very popular survey sites:

Find more survey sites here.

And if you’re UK-based, here’s a list of 25 survey sites to try out.

58. Moderate Forums and Chat rooms

 OK, so maybe you’re not giving your opinion.

But you’re certainly making sure that others’ express their opinions in a friendly way.

Online moderators remove derogatory comments from forums, make sure users follow the rules and generally make sure the forum is a nice place to hang out.

You need to be familiar with online chat rooms, forums and message boards.

And you need excellent writing skills and sound judgement. If you spend half the day making sure your kids play nice with each other, this could be the job for you!

Find out about companies that recruit online forum moderators here.

59. Be a Stitch Fix Stylist

 People have been going wild for Stitch Fix!

And If you’ve got a keen eye for style and customer service, you could work as a stylist.

Find out more here.

And read more about how Stitch Fix works here.

60. Mark Test Papers

Remember the horror of tests at school?

Well, now you get to mark those tests!

This work at home opportunity can pay well. But you may need certain educational qualifications depending on the company.

Read more about this work at home opportunity here.

61. Write Reviews

Have you ever left a review on Amazon?

Did you know you can make money writing reviews on all kinds of stuff?

Check out Slice the Pie for more details.

The minimum payout is $10 and it’s paid via PayPal. Definitely not get rich quick  work, but it seems more fun than the usual surveys.

Customer Service

There are so many customer service work at home opportunities!

OK, it’s not necessarily the most fun and varied work but if you love helping people and value good customer service, you might be a perfect fit.

62. Customer Service – Phone Jobs

This might be difficult if you’ve got little ones screaming in the background!

But if your little ones are at school, a customer service chat job may be a great opportunity.

Here’s a list of 27 online chat jobs and 25 companies offering customer service jobs at home.

63. Customer Service – Non Phone Jobs

 These opportunities seem to be harder to find, but non-phone customer service is perfect for moms!

There are lots of companies hiring, but you’ll have to keep your eyes open and act fast when you see a vacancy.

64. Take Food Orders

 One easy work at home customer service job is taking food orders via phone.

There are lots of different companies offering work so keep an eye out on places like Indeed for local opportunities.

The pay varies but the job requirements are fairly straightforward.

Find out more and there are other food order opportunities.

Get Out and About

If you’re able to take a few hours away from the kids, you could make money with these flexible opportunities.

65. Tour Guide

 Do you know the best kept secrets of your city?

Could you share your passions with others?

Vayable hires ‘Insiders’ as local tour guides. Insiders create and sell their ‘experiences’ on an online marketplace.

Visitors can browse the Vayable website and purchase an experience. You set your own rates.

Tours By Locals works in a similar way.

Here’s the inside scoop on being an Insider.

66. Drive

Driving for Uber or Lyft has to be one of the most flexible ways to top up your income.

Make sure you can fulfill the vehicle requirements and have had your driving licence at least a year.

Should you sign up with Uber or Lyft or both?

As with any opportunity, do your research and be sure it’s worth your time.

67. Deliver Food with Uber

As well as driving with Uber, you can also deliver food with Uber.

The requirements are not so strict and there are no set delivery times. You can choose to get paid weekly or cash in daily. Find out more about what it’s like working as an Uber Eats driver.

There are opportunities in other countries too, just choose your nationality at the top of the Uber page.

68. Do Odd Jobs

TaskRabbit acts as a middleman connecting people who need small scale jobs doing with people who are willing to do with.

There are so many different jobs you could offer – like  grocery shopping, picking up dry cleaning, assembling Ikea furniture!

Get started with Taskrabbit to make extra income.

And remember that you don’t need any special skills.

Make Money Passively

I’m sure you’ve heard of many ‘make money while you sleep’ opportunities. But in this new ‘sharing economy’ it really is possible to make passive income with stuff you already have at home. 

69. Airbnb

 It might feel a bit weird to let strangers stay your home. But if you can get past that, you can make a tidy income with Airbnb.

How much you make will depend on local circumstances. Airbnb’s ultimate guide for beginners is a great place to learn more.

70. Rent out…

Airbnb is just the tip of the iceberg – you can rent out almost anything!

Your Clothes:

Your car:


Just be sure to check that renting out is permitted by your insurance policies!

71. Use your Phone

 Smartphones are expensive, right?

But there are a ton of apps that let you can make money doing absolutely nothing.

You won’t get rich, but downloading a few apps seems like a no brainer!

Make a start by downloading these apps.

And check out this list of apps that make you money for doing nothing.

72. Lose Weight

 OK, it’s not exactly passive.

But if you’re trying to lose weight anyway, why not at least get paid for it?

Healthy Wage lets you earn up to $10,000 by betting you’ll lose a certain amount of weight in a set time period.

Obviously, there’s no guarantee and you have to stake your own money. But there are some inspiring stories.

This would be great one for mamas trying to lose that baby weight! If you’re up for the challenge, get off to a great start with this list of 21 ways to start losing the baby weight.

Other Creative Ways to Make Money at Home

73. Data Entry

 Another popular work at home position!

It’s not the most stimulating work. And sadly it’s easy to get caught up in work at home scams involving this type of job.

But there are legitimate opportunities out there.

74. Website Testing

Companies– and bloggers –  need to know that their site is usable.

So you can make a bit of extra cash doing website tests. You can get started by signing up with sites like What Users Do and User Testing and others.

Tests take upto 30 minutes and the pay does vary.

You could also offer website testing as a gig on Fiverr!

Think Positive – Stay At Home and Make Money, Moms!

You may have read this list and immediately dismissed a whole bunch of ideas – but don’t be too hasty! Think positively and stay proactive.

There are so many opportunities online these days. And don’t forget that you CAN learn new skills. Udemy and SkillShare are great budget friendly places to learn new skills.

And if you decide to start a blog, don’t forget my beginner friendly guide.

How to Find Time to Work at Home?

The thought of keeping up with chores, kids and working at home can be daunting.

Check out how I juggle everything.

Don’t foget that you can save a ton of time with freezer meals and Instant Pot meals.

One big challenge about working at home is how to keep the kids busy while you work.

How about these 21 ways to keep kids busy while you work.

And don’t worry about spending money to keep the kids occupied this summer.

Quit Your Job – And Stay at Home With Your Kids


That was a huge list of work at home opportunities.

I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to stay at home with my kids! I’ve never once regretted my decision to quit my job. There are lots of opportunities out there, mama. Just keep looking and learning – and stay positive.

Don’t forget to pin for later!

Now it’s your turn! Let me know in the comments which work at home opportunities caught your eye. Did I miss anything? If you’re already working from home, I’d love to know what job you’re doing.

Share this post with your friends!

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I am Interested in the Legitimate opportunities out There The Data Entry work from home. Work from Home Mum and earn Money?Reply
Hey Suzy, Personally I feel data entry isn’t the best side gig to have! But you can definitely try it!Reply
The best way to earn money, is to earn money from home! Great article.Reply
So any great ideas.I love reading your blog posts Elna.Reply
Thanks for sharing! There is something for everyone’s talents that can be done from home!Reply
Hi Vanessa, I’m so glad you found some ways to make money as a stay at home mom!Reply

Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).