I Wish I Had This New Mom Care Package : Gift Ideas for New Moms

Having a new mom care package sounds like the best thing for moms. Learn how to provide this to your new mom friends!

New moms hardly have any time to care for themselves.

They are just too busy caring for their babies.

I know for me, that first year as a mom to twins, is lost by me! I have no idea how I survived that first year as a mom.

Be sure that she is well fed, comfortable, and able to take care of herself with these new mom care packages.

Imagine receiving this all-in-one care package just for you?

Or, even better, giving a new mom a care package to help them survive first month as a new mom.

Whether you pick out a premade care package, or put one together yourself, she is sure to appreciate anything you get her.

Premade New Mom Care Packages

If you don’t have time to put together an entire care package for the new mom, then consider getting one of these premade new mom care packages.

These are great if you want to get her something nice but don’t have the time to go out and shop for several different items.

1. 7 Piece New Mom Care Set

While this gift is for an expectant mother, all of the items in this gift basket can be used by a new mama too.

This spa inspired gift set includes wonderfully scented lip balm, body butter, soap, bath salts, a bath bomb, and a candle. Perfect for de-stressing while dad handles the baby.

2. Essential Oil Shower Steamers

Taking a shower in peace is a rare luxury when you become a new mom. These aromatherapy tabs are great for taking a break and recharging.

Simply drop the tab at the bottom of the shower and revel in the delightful smells.

Just make sure that you have time to actually spend in the shower in order to enjoy it rather than just the normal 5 minute showers that new moms have to take.

3. Healthy Snack Box

New moms hardly have time to make a meal, much less find healthy things to snack on. Make it easy for them with this Cravebox healthy snack box.

Perfect for new moms who have to focus on breastfeeding and to keep hunger at bay.

Custom Made New Mom Care Packages

While there are a lot of really neat premade new mom care packages, it’s always nice to put together something custom made. But what are some of the best things to include in a new mom care package when you are putting one together yourself?

A little something to make her life easier, items to soothe and comfort her, food related items, and of course, items to pamper the new mama!

You want to look for items that are practical that she will actually use as well as indulgent items that she will enjoy.

While these items are listed individually, you can mix and match them to make the perfect new mom care package that she is sure to appreciate.

New Mom Care Items to Make Life Easier

New moms tend to always put their self care on the back burner. Be sure she doesn’t forget to take care of herself with these new mom items to help make her life a bit easier. 

4. A Nice Water Bottle

It’s imperative that new moms stay hydrated, especially if they are breastfeeding. Having a nice water bottle just makes drinking enough water a little bit easier. Besides, what new mom actually has the brain power to actually remember to drink 8 glasses of water.

While there are literally thousands of different water bottles that you can get online, here are a few of our favorites.

One Gallon Water Bottle

Make sure mama is getting enough water with this one gallon water bottle. She won’t have to count her cups with this big boy.

Turning Water into Liquid Gold

Every breastfeeding mama knows the value of that precious liquid gold she makes. This bottle has markings for intake amount and fits in a stroller much easier.

Large Thermo Bottle

If mom is the kind of person who needs her water ice cold in order to drink enough of it, then she is going to love this insulated water bottle. They even come in 87 ounce sizes, which should get her through most of the day.

5. Hands Free Wearable Breast Pump

Where the heck were these when I was breastfeeding!?

These hands free wearable breast pumps are a total game changer!

Gone are the days of being tied to a wall plug and dealing with bulky bottles and speciality pumping bras.

Simply slide these inside your regular nursing bra and go about your business. Fold some laundry, snuggle your baby, heck, even driving around. An affordable gift to put in a care package that she will surely thank you for.

6. Cleaning Service

Cleaning is probably the last thing on her mind. Even if she is thinking about it, you can bet she’s going to be too tired to clean as well as she would like. Let mom get some rest and soak up every minute with baby while someone else does the cleaning.

7. Food Related Gifts

While she is so focused on feeding and taking care of baby, she just might forget to eat herself. Be sure she is well fed and has the energy to care for herself and her little one with these food related new mom care package gifts.

Lactation Snacks

Lactation snacks help to keep mom full and that liquid gold flowing. From cookies, to bars, to drink mixes, there is no shortage of healthy lactation foods to pick up for her.

For more help, check out this guide on lactation aides.

Meal Kits

Don’t have time to make that new mom a casserole every evening for the next six weeks?

Then opt for a meal kit delivery service.

There are many affordable options for every type of dietary need. Many of them offer free meals and other deals for new subscribers.

Grocery Delivery

If going to the grocery store with her new baby is out of the question, then get her a gift certificate for a grocery delivery service, such as Instacart.

All she has to do is add the items to her cart, pay, and her groceries are on their way!

Pampering New Mom Care Items

It’s probably going to be a while before she’s able to fully pamper herself. Get her a few of these items that she can use without having to spend hours away from her new bundle of joy.

8. Face Masks

Nope, not those ones recommended by the CDC. Sheet masks and clay masks are easy to use, affordable, and she can use them even when she is taking care of baby.

9. Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp

Not only do these rock salt lamps look lovely in any room, they promote a relaxing and ambient atmosphere. A great way to help mom de-stress while taking care of baby. These also make a great light to have in baby’s nursery for middle of the night feedings. 

10. Comfortable Slippers

A pair of comfy slippers are a must have for new moms. Perfect for her stay in the hospital or just lounging around the house.

11. Foot Massager

If you are really looking to spoil her, then get this foot spa and massager. It helps to warm up cold feet, promote better sleep, improve blood circulation, and refresh tired joints. She can even use it while she is sitting down to feed baby.

12. Bathtub Bubble Massage Mat

Turn any bathtub into a jacuzzi with this full body tub massager. She can create a spa-like experience by simply taking a bath. The built-in heater will ensure that her bath water stays nice and warm for as long as she’s able to stay in the tub.

Gifts to Comfort New Moms

Being pregnant is uncomfortable, postpartum is uncomfortable. Be sure to get her some items that will help to ease the transition from bulging belly to getting her pre-baby body back with these gifts to promote comfort.

13. Nursing Pajamas

There’s nothing worse than trying to finagle a tight shirt while your baby is screaming in the middle of the night. Make sure she is ready for night time feedings with these soft, breathable nursing pajamas.  

14. Breast Care Kit

There is a lot that goes into breastfeeding. Make sure that she stays comfortable and can deal with any potential issues, such as clogged ducts, back pain, and sore nipples with items from this breast care kit.

15. Postpartum Recovery Kit

Be sure her netherregins are also taken care of with this postpartum recovery kit. It contains everything she will need to make sure that she heals up after delivery in as much comfort as possible.

For more help with postpartum recover, check out this guide.

16. A New Pillow

She needs to maximize whatever little sleep she gets. Be sure she gets the best sleep possible with a new pillow. Whether she’s a black or side sleeper, there’s an option for everyone.

Gifts to Promote Peace of Mind

17. Owlet Smart Sock

Every mom does it, wakes up in panic when their baby sleeps longer than usual. Be sure that mom is never stressed out and worrying if baby is ok with this smart sock. It monitors baby’s oxygen and heart rate and sends an alert if something is wrong. There’s no greater comfort than peace of mind.

18. Bedside Crib

Give mom the feeling of co-sleeping while also giving her peace of mind that her baby is safe in their own space. She will be able to lay comfortably in her own space while still sleeping close enough to baby and promoting skin to skin touch. The perfect combination of comfort and bonding.

Whether putting together a few items on your own or purchasing a premade new mom care package, she is sure to love whatever you pick out for her.

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).