Are you TCC? Learn the foods that increase fertility.

Did you know that each month there’s only a 25% chance of getting pregnant?
There are foods that can help increase your fertility and get your body ready for pregnancy.
I recently wrote about our struggle to conceive and our IVF journey.
At that time, everything was riding on that BFP (Big Fat Positive).
And we wanted to do everything we could to naturally increase our fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
So one thing I did early in our fertility journey was take a good look at our diet.
If you’re TTC (trying to conceive) here are 13 fertility foods for getting pregnant.
13 Foods to Increase Fertility

1. Lentils and Beans
Lentils and beans are great sources of vegetable protein.
And studies have shown that women who eat more vegetable protein sources – like lentils and beans – have fewer problems conceiving.
While women who ate higher levels of animal proteins were more likely to have ovulation disorders.
So, look out for recipes including lentils and beans – vegetarian chilli, anyone?
And if you love your Instant Pot, check out this list of 25 delicious vegan recipes. That’s a lot of plant based recipes to add to your meal planning rotation!
2. Lean Turkey, Chicken and Beef
Vegetable based protein is great for supporting your fertility.
But if you’re a happy carnivore, don’t despair.
The good news is that eating iron-rich lean turkey, chicken and beef in moderation can boost your fertility.
Just don’t overdo it as too much protein can lower fertility. So think about adding in a couple of vegetarian dinners into your meal planning rotation.
If you think you might be lacking iron in your diet, speak to your doctor or other appropriate health care professional.
3. Whole Milk Products
And I mean full fat ice cream, greek yogurt and whole milk itself – not the skimmed, low fat variety.
A study found that eating one or two daily servings of whole milk products can protect against ‘ovulatory infertility’.
You want to aim for around 1,000mg of calcium a day.
So why not help yourself to some greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast? Or treat yourself to some full fat ice cream?
4. Avocado
Avocados seem to be so hot right now – they’re all over Instagram’s favorite healthy lifestyle feeds!!
And if you’re TCC, they’re a great choice.
Avocados are full of folic acid which can help to reduce the chances of neural tube defects, miscarriage and stillbirth.
And they’re a good source of potassium and Vitamin K – both great for your pre-baby body.
Spread mashed avocado on toast for a quick breakfast or cut one in half to add as a side to your main meal.
5. Bananas
This one is going to be easy!
Bananas are awesome for everyone – full of potassium, Vitamin C, and fiber. But if you’re TCC, it’s the B6 and magnesium in bananas that can boost your fertility.
B6 helps to regulate your hormones, which is key to reproductive health.
And a B6 deficiency can lead to poor sperm development – so stock up on bananas for your husband too!
Bananas also contain magnesium which helps support women’s egg health.
Banana pancakes for breakfast, anyone?
6. Leafy Greens
When you’re TCC, folate is your BFF!
Folate is a B Vitamin that may help improve ovulation and sperm health.
And dark leafy greens are high in folate!!
So load up on:
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Arugula
- Swiss Chard
Eating a more plant based diet is a great way to get more of these dark leafy greens.
7. Salmon
Salmon has tons of healthy Omega-3 to help keep you – and your reproductive system – in top condition.
So this makes salmon an awesome food for helping to increase fertility.
And it’s got lots of protein which is great if you’re cutting back on red meat.
If your budget doesn’t stretch to salmon, why not try sardines or herring?
8. Blueberries & Raspberries
These berries can help protect your body from cell damage.
And don’t forget that berries are a great snack option if you’re trying to lose weight – being overweight can lower your chances of conception.
Why not make yourself a fertility boosting breakfast smoothie with banana, some whole milk and a heap of berries?
9. Citrus fruits
Oranges, grapefruits, kiwi, clementines – they’re all packed full of vitamin C, folate and potassium.
And yes, we know folate is important if you’re TCC.
But don’t forget about that Vitamin C!
Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. And studies show that women who get enough iron have less trouble conceiving.
More Tips to Help You Increase Your Fertility and Get Pregnant Faster
1. Take a Multivitamin
Let’s start easy, with a simple multivitamin.
Studies show that women who take an appropriate multivitamin have a much lower risk of infertility.
So if you’re trying to get pregnant, get a good quality multivitamin.

You can take it before, during and after you get pregnant. And it’s a gummie rather than a hard pill – and when I was pregnant, trying to swallow a hard pill made me gag! So these were a lifesaver!
2. Try FertilAid
If you’ve followed my IVF journey, you’ll know that I actually took this supplement prior to another round of IVF. It’s more than a vitamin – it’s a powerful formulation to promote fertilization.
I took this one and my husband took FertilAid.

3. Stay Hydrated
I know!
I say this ALL the time – but staying hydrated is so important for moms.
And when you’re TCC, staying hydrated helps support your cervical fluid.
And after baby is here, staying hydrated will help you lose the baby weight and support your breastfeeding.
So, now’s a great time to get into some good habits.
4. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
This was a tough one for me.
When I was TCC, I gave up my morning cup of coffee and started drinking more tea. Specifically this one. It’s caffeine free and tasty.
If you want to go ahead and still drink coffee, just be sure to track how much you’re drinking. A cup of coffee at home has different levels of caffeine to a cup of coffee you get on the go.
4 Questions About Natural Ways to Get Pregnant
1. Which Vitamin Increases Fertility?
The best vitamin that can help you get pregnant faster is Vitamin C. You can find Vitamin C in:
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Sweet potatoes
- Winter squash
- Tomatoes
- Oranges
2. What Supplements Should I Take to Increase Fertility?
While vitamin C is helpful to help you conceive, there are other natural supplements that you should start incorporating into your fertility diet.
These include:
- Zinc
- Folic acid – it’s better to be ready!
- Coenzyme Q10 – I used this to help me increase my fertility
- Vitamin B6
- Iron
3. What Foods Should Be Avoided When Trying to Conceive?
It’s best to have a healthy and well-rounded diet when trying to conceive. Personally, I did the Keto diet since carbs aren’t my best friend and make me sluggish and gain weight.
When trying to conceive stay away from:
- Alcohol
- Fish containing high amounts of mercury
- Trans fats found in fried food
- Low-fat dairy
- Deli meat (if you eat deli meat, start heating and cooking your deli meat before you eat it)
4. How Do I Increase Fertility If I Have PCOS?
PCOS – Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormone disorder in women. When you have PCOS you are producing more normal amounts of male hormones, which makes your body hormonally imbalanced. This results in missed periods, decreasing your chance of conceiving.
There are benefits to having a PCOS fertility diet in helping you get pregnant faster. Here’s a video detailing what you should eat and what you should avoid.
5. Can the Keto Diet Increase Fertility?
While there is no conclusive evidence that a Keto diet – which is eating foods high in fat with very little carbohydrates – can increase chances of conception, the results of this diet may boost fertility.
For example, the Keto diets helps you lose weight much more effectively than traditional diets. I’ve always used the Keto diet when I need to lose weight. It’s the easiest as you don’t need to exercise to lose weight; rather, you exercise for the health benefits.
Plus, eating a Keto diet never makes you hungry (in fact, sometimes it’s hard to over eat).
The Keto diet has been proven to help control Type 2 Diabetes and it has helped with managing weight with those having PCOS.
The fact that weight plays in fertility means that if you are overweight currently, losing weight can help you increase your fertility. So, as a by product of the Keto diet, you’ll lose weight and increase fertility.
I believe that when I did the Keto diet before I became pregnant I got my body ready for pregnancy.
13 Best Foods to Increase Fertility and Boost Your Chance of Getting Pregnant
I know what it’s like when your hopes are riding on a positive.
But simple steps like maximizing your diet to boost fertility can make a difference.
Don’t forget to Pin for later!
If you have any questions about getting pregnant, please put them in the comments below. I’m here to support you on your fertility journey!
Good luck!

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