Category: Breastfeeding

  • When Do You Stop Breastfeeding?

    When Do You Stop Breastfeeding?

    Learn the cues and steps to stop breastfeeding as a new mom

    Breastfeeding is a very personal choice for you and your baby. For me, my daughter took to breastfeeding much longer than my son.

    My son preferred the bottle and I was okay with this. I didn’t have enough milk for my twins and had to supplement with formula and needed help feeding my twins so baby bottles were introduced from the get go.

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  • 12 Breastfeeding Positions to Make It Easy for Mom

    12 Breastfeeding Positions to Make It Easy for Mom

    Get the lowdown on breastfeeding positions for new moms!

    Our breasts naturally create milk for our little ones – so shouldn’t feeding them come naturally too?

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  • What is Cluster Feeding & How to Cope

    What is Cluster Feeding & How to Cope

    Learn about cluster feeding as a new breastfeeding mom

    As a new mom, do you find yourself constantly feeding your little one but they never seem satisfied?

    Are they extremely fussy between feedings?

    This can be physically and emotionally draining but also completely normal – especially in the early days of breastfeeding.

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  • 16 Best Lactation Muffins to Increase Milk Supply Fast

    16 Best Lactation Muffins to Increase Milk Supply Fast

    Get some of the best lactation muffins to boost milk supply

    As a mama that has done her fair share of pumping and breastfeeding with twins, I know how hard it can be to keep that precious milk supply going strong.

    Whether you are feeding twins, exclusively breastfeeding, exclusively pumping, and or doing a bit of everything, many women struggle to keep a strong milk supply for an extended period of time.

    First and foremost, make sure you are drinking enough water!

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  • 10 Best Pacifiers for Breastfed Babies

    10 Best Pacifiers for Breastfed Babies

    Learn the best pacifiers for breastfed babies

    As a breastfeeding mama, you might be wondering if you should give your little one a pacifier.

    There are both pros and cons to introducing a pacifier to your little bundle of joy.

    What is the best pacifier for breastfed baby if they never had one in the first place?

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Elna is a mom to twins who blogs and writes for a living. She loves all things mom. While she’s not blogging, you can find Elna meal planning, organizing and helping other moms in her Facebook group, Ready Set Blog for Traffic (From Mom to Mompreneur).