Check out the DockaTot for babies! You’ll never use anything else again!
As parents, we want to do everything we can to keep our babies safe, cozy, and happy.

We swaddle them in warm blankets, put fuzzy socks on their tiny toes, and of course want to be sure that they are safe when they are sleeping alone or co-sleeping.
The team at DockaTot have a line of products that keep your baby safe and comfortable while playing or lounging.
OMG! If only this was available back when I had my twins!
This would have saved me a lot of time and money for sure!
So, I hope this review of the DockaTot will help you find the right snug environment for your newborn baby!
What is DockaTot?

If you don’t already know, DockaTot is a revolutionary, European product line of baby docks that can be used for a variety of purposes.
Moms everywhere have been raving about DockaTot and its many uses and unparalleled quality.
The DockaTot is a multi-functional product that can be used for playing and lounging.
The baby docking station creates a snug and safe environment for your little one to enjoy playing and a cozy snuggle space.
They can be used everyday, at home, or while traveling and on the go with your child.
Depending on the style, we’ll get to that later, the DockaTot can be used for children ages 0 to 36 months.
Keep in mind though that they are not meant to be used for a sleep aid.
While some parents have used them to co-sleep with their children, this is not the intended use.
Ways to Use a DockaTot

While you shouldn’t use a DockaTot for sleeping, there are plenty of other ways to use this multi-functional device. Here are a few ways that you can use a DockaTot with your baby everyday, depending on the age of your child and which DockaTot you are currently using.
Tummy Time
Tummy time is extremely important for a baby’s muscle development and gross motor skills.
The bumpers on the sides of the DockaTot allow for an extra level of support when your baby is just learning to hold up their head, support themselves on their hands, and get their legs moving.
Safe Space
Of course new moms would love to hold their baby 24/7, but that isn’t always practical.
The DockaTot allows for a safe space to put your baby while you do a quick workout, do the dishes, or fold laundry.
Always be sure that your DockaTot is on the floor or larger bed so there is no chance that your child could roll off of a higher surface.
This works well for younger children that aren’t to the rolling and crawling stages yet.
Diaper Changes
It seems that every infant and toddler gets to the stage where they feel the need to do an alligator death roll every time you change their diaper.
The DockaTot can help to prevent them from rolling all over the place when you do change their diaper.
Related: check out my guide on the best cribs with a changing table.
After Baths
What better way to keep warm and cozy after a bath than with a DockaTot.
Keep your baby wrapped up in a towel and place them in the DockaTot while you gather up their diaper and clothes and they have some free time being unrestricted from clothes.
Photo Shoots
Watch your baby grow each month in their DockaTot with a cute monthly photo shoot.
Of course, don’t forget to get those cute monthly milestone stickers or wooden disks.
You don’t need a whole bunch of fancy photo equipment or backdrops, simply just lay your baby in their DockaTot with a cute outfit on and place one of the monthly milestone stickers or discs on the side of the dock for an adorable photo every time.
Play Mat
Depending on the size of the DockaTot, you can use it as a play mat for your baby.
If they are getting to the point of sitting up, you can prop them up against the back of the dock and place toys in front of them.
This works great when you are trying to get things done around the house and gives your baby that bit of freedom they have been craving.
Imaginative Play
While they might be a little too young to understand what a boat or a car is, it’s never too early to start with imaginative play.
Talk to them about the DockaTot being a boat and how they are floating on the water, gently sway the dock side to side and tell them a story about how they are in a boat in the ocean.
Or prop them up, if they are old enough, and tell them how they are riding in the car while gently rocking the dock as if it were a car moving through traffic.
This is a great way to set the stage for them to use imaginative play when they get a little bit older.
Outdoor Lounger
As long as the weather is nice out, it’s generally a good idea to get your baby outside.
That fresh air and a bit of sunlight gives them their daily dose of vitamin D while also helping them to sleep better at night.
Set the DockaTot outside in the grass, under an umbrella or in the shade for a fun outdoor activity.
This is also a great idea to take your baby to the beach or the park too.
Just be sure that they have proper sun protection on, a sunsafe outfit and hat, sun screen, and outdoor umbrella if you are going to be in direct sunlight for longer periods of time.
When is a Baby Too Big for DockaTot?

There are two different sizes of the DockaTot, the DockaTot Deluxe and the DockaTot Grand.
The DockaTot Deluxe is intended for children borth to 8 months old.
The deluxe model is intended to be a more snug fit to emulate a womb-like environment.
While it might be tempting to just order the larger size, that simply defeats the soothing qualities of the snugness of the deluxe model.
The deluxe model can be adjusted in size at the foot of the unit by simply unbuttoning and buttoning back up in either a shorter or longer position.
Don’t rush to transition your baby to the DockaTot Grand, there are still benefits for use beyond 9 months.
The closeness of the sides of the deluxe model will provide that snugness when they are cranky and needing that extra comfort.
The DockaTot Grand is intended for children ages 9 to 36 months.
One of the purposes of the grand model is to assist in transitioning your child to a big kid bed.
Therefore, the walls on the grand edition are spaced further apart to allow for more freedom of movement.
When to Stop Using a DockaTot?
While the DockaTot units are designed to be used up until the age of 36 months, they can certainly be used well beyond that.
Older children might continue to use them for imaginative play (they kind of look like a boat anyways). Older children might also use it longer to lounge in while watching movies or reading books.
While it’s certainly not suggested that older children sleep in the DockaTot, they might find it comfortable to hang out in for some quiet time before nap or bedtime.
How Long Can a Baby Sleep in a DockaTot?
It is not suggested that your baby sleep in the DockaTot at all unless being supervised.
I know, this can be a bummer, especially for very sleepy mamas.
When I originally came across the DockaTot, I thought it was a co-sleeping device.
And while it looks like something that you can put in your bed to safely sleep with the baby, that is not its intended use.
Even if your child is not of the age to roll over, they could get stuck against the sides of the dock and not be able to breathe properly.
Therefore, if you choose to let your baby sleep in it, be sure that you or someone that is fully awake is supervising them in the DockaTot.
Protecting Your DockaTot
We all know how messy babies can be.
The diaper blowouts, the spit up, drool, you name it. Of course you want to do whatever you can to ensure that you can use your DockaTot for as long as possible.
The unit comes with a cover that you can easily remove and wash.
Pick up a few DockaTot covers to make sure that you always have a clean one on hand if there are unexpected messes.
Reasons Parents Love DokaTot
We’ve already gone over 8 fun and practical ways to use your DockaTot. But there are so many other reasons that parents are raving about this baby essential.
It’s portable and easy to clean. When traveling, you can easily fold up the dock and stuff it in a bag. If it gets dirty, just replace the cover and toss it in the wash.
It helps baby self-soothe. Even at a young age, babies can learn to self-soothe. Placing them in the DockaTot Deluxe when they are crabby can help to calm them down.
It facilitates a comfortable micro-climate. You won’t have to worry about baby getting too cool or warm when they are snuggled up due to the dock’s hypoallergenic materials.
It mimics the womb. The DockaTot deluxe is snug enough for newborns to infants up to 8 months to lay comfortably and still feel like they are snug in the womb.
With all of these amazing benefits, why wouldn’t you want one?!
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