Got some pregnancy questions? Find the answers here!

That three minutes it took for that test to turn blue was probably the longest three minutes of your life.
That wasn’t the first time I used a pregnancy test to test pregnancy.
I had a difficult time getting pregnant and couldn’t wait for my BFP!
But it happened – a positive pregnancy test!
Whether it was planned or not (and especially if it is your first go-round) you are bombarded with a flood of emotions and, of course, questions.
While I am sure that you probably have a thousand different questions and scenarios running through your mind, this post will answer some of the most pressing ones that you should focus on first:
1.What Can and Can’t You Do Now That You Are Pregnant?

This is often the biggest and most immediate looming question.
While everyone and their mother has some input as to what you should and shouldn’t be doing while you’re pregnant, there are a few basic rules of thumb to keep in mind:
The Dos:
- Do schedule an appointment with your doctor (or find an Obstetrician)
- Do quit smoking, drinking, doing drugs, and anything else that could harm the baby
- Do start taking some prenatal vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin D
- Do still enjoy safe sex with your partner
- Do cut back on the caffeine
- Do get regular exercise
- Do drink lots of water
- Do eat lots of fruits and veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats
- Do check with your doctor before taking any over the counter medications
The Don’ts:
- Don’t drink, do drugs, smoke, or any other harmful substances
- Don’t lift very heavy objects-grab someone else for that
- Don’t change a litter box
- Don’t eat:
- Raw meat
- Shellfish
- Unpasteurized dairy
- Smoked seafood
- Deli meats
- Raw eggs
- Soft cheeses.
- Don’t paint and remodel the house
- Don’t sit in a hot tub or a hot bath (warm is ok)
- Don’t stand around other smokers
- Don’t be stationary for too long
If you have any concerns about things you should or shouldn’t be doing during your pregnancy (and breastfeeding) then always consult with your doctor.
2. What Are The Common Symptoms/Side Effects of Pregnancy?
Every pregnancy is different. Some women happily go through their nine months without any negative symptoms while others are plagued by nausea, swollen feet, aversions to certain (or seemingly all) foods, fatigue, and terrible “pregnancy brain.”
You have to realize that every woman is different and no two pregnancies are the same.
Often times women who experience a lot of symptoms and side effects do so during the first trimester, or the first 13 or so weeks.
Your baby is doing a lot of developing within that first three months, which means that it also takes a lot out of you. They are developing from a couple of cells into a tiny human consisting of bones, hair, nails, a heart, eyes, and organ systems.
It’s really amazing when you think about it!
Some of the symptoms that women experience early on in their pregnancy are morning sickness (which can actually happen any time of day), mood swings, and tender breasts.
While you won’t have to worry too much about weight gain in the first trimester, you will in the second and third. You can easily keep this under control by maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet and exercise routine.
If you are experiencing any out of the ordinary symptoms, such as heavy bleeding, severe pain in your abdomen, pain while urinating, high fever (over 101.5), or disturbances in your vision, you should contact your doctor right away!
3. When Will You Start to Show Your Baby Bump?

Again, every pregnancy is different and every soon-to-be mama is different. While some women show very early on, others might not show much until their third trimester.
There are many factors that determine when you will start to show. A few of those factors include your age, weight, previous pregnancies, and of course your genetics.
It is very common for women experiencing their second pregnancies to show sooner than they did in their first pregnancies.
4. What Are Your Chances of A Miscarriage?
While this is a topic that no one really likes to discuss, it is worth mentioning here. The good news is that your chances of a miscarriage decrease as your pregnancy progresses.
I know that might sound a little obvious, but you are twice as more likely to miscarry in the first six weeks than you are in weeks seven and eight.
It’s an unfortunate statistic, but the rate of miscarriage is about 10% to 15%.
There are many factors that can play into your chances of miscarrying: Your medical history, the age of your parents, how much morning sickness you are experiencing and other high-risk factors.
The good news about morning sickness is that the more you experience the less likely you are to miscarry due to a higher level of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which helps to nourish your baby.
5. When Should You Go See My Doctor?
While you might think that you need to rush off to the doctor the minute your pregnancy test turns blue, there really is no need. Often, unless you are already considered high risk, you don’t need to go see your doctor until you are at least 8 weeks along.
The only reason you would need to go in before your 8-week mark is to have a blood test done to confirm your pregnancy. However, you can’t really get a false positive but you can get a false negative on a home pregnancy test.
The reason your pregnancy test is showing up positive in the first place is that your body is producing that HCG that I mentioned earlier. This hormone is only present in your body when you are growing a fetus, therefore, you shouldn’t be getting a false positive.
The truth is, doctors, can’t do or see much of the baby before you are 8-weeks along. Your baby is just a lump of cells before this point so don’t worry about rushing to your doctor’s office the minute you get a positive test.
However, you should call and schedule an appointment for when you are estimated to be 8-weeks.
6. Should You Get Genetic Testing Done?
It’s really amazing what genetic testing can tell us. One of the most common genetic tests that you can undergo during pregnancy is to test for Down Syndrome (also known as trisomy 21).
This is a non-invasive test that can be done as early as 10-weeks into your pregnancy. It involves a simple blood sample draw right in your doctor’s office.
If you are considered high-risk, you should consider genetic testing to help determine any potential issues. High-risk attributes include:
- Mothers 35 or older
- Carrying multiples
- Women who have previously carried a child with a genetic abnormality
- A family history of genetic disorders
7. How Will This Pregnancy Affect Your Job or Career?

When you find out your pregnant is will likely affect both your personal and professional life.
If you work in an environment that is considered toxic for pregnant mothers, then you need to have a discussion with your doctor and your human resources department as soon as possible.
While for the majority of women their pregnancy will not affect their professional life, you should at least be aware of the laws and requirements surrounding pregnant women in the workplace.
Then there is after the baby comes.
Some questions to consider are:
- How much time will you take off?
- Will you even return to work?
- Are you going to breastfeed or formula feed?
- What are your options for pumping at work?
- What are your childcare options?
- Is your partner’s work schedule going to change?
8. What Is Your Birth Plan?
I know this might seem a little far off to be thinking about right now, but it’s better to plan ahead than to be unprepared.
If you don’t already know what a birth plan is, it is simply a list of pre-determined things you want to happen for your labor and delivery.
This includes things like who you want and don’t want in your delivery room, environmental settings, pain management, and how you prefer to proceed through labor.
Talk with your doctor, midwife, or doula about creating a birthing plan.
9. How and When Will You Announce Your Pregnancy?
Don’t go posting your positive pregnancy test all over Facebook just yet! While you certainly CAN announce your pregnancy at any point, it is suggested to wait at least 10 to 12 weeks.
This is when the chance of miscarriage dramatically drops. In the chance that you would experience a loss, if you don’t announce your pregnancy too early then you don’t have to worry about fielding questions from well-meaning friends and relatives.
Then, of course, there is the fun part of deciding how you will announce your pregnancy.
Throw a party and invite all of your friends? Make an announcement at a large family gathering? Put together one of those cute announcements for your social media?
Make it fun, and make it special for you and your partner. Of course, you can always turn to Pinterest for inspiration!
So Many Pregnancy Questions
While there are certainly many more questions that you will have during your pregnancy, like…
“Did I just lose my mucus plug?!”
“How can I relieve constipation?”
I hope that you will find many of the answers to your questions here on this site.
However, always make sure that if you feel that something is wrong that you contact your doctor immediately and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice.
9 Important Pregnancy Questions You Should Know
There you go!
Over your entire pregnancy you will have many more pregnancy questions, but the ones when you first find out you’re pregnant seem to be ones you want to know more of!
Enjoy your pregnancy mama!

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