Learn the best baby names for 2024 and their biblical meaning.

Picking your child’s name is one of the most important decisions you are going to make in your life. So no biggie…don’t stress about it.
Biblical meanings of names for babies are a wonderful choice as they carry with them very strong meanings and are not a passing fad, such as the, shall I say unique names that celebrities give their children.
Many of these names were popular in the 1800s but regained popularity specifically in 2017.
Picking any one of these names for your little one will give them a strong start.
As well, these names hold the test of time and while common, not entirely common!
Here are 50 top baby names, boy baby names, girl baby names and in alphabetical order.
Top Baby Names for 2024

Abigail is of Hebrew origin and means my Father’s joy.
It is a very popular name and has been ranked in the top 10 names for the last decade. It can have other variations and spellings such as Abbigail, Abigal, Abbie, or Gail.
Ada is of Hebrew and German origin and means noble, happy, or adorned. Since the year 2000, it has consistently ranked in the top 500 baby names.
The Ada computer programing language is named after Ada the Countess of Lovelace who was thought to be the first computer programmer back in the 1800s. It can also be spelled as Adah or Aada.
Anna, meaning favor or grace comes from Hebrew origin.
It has many different variations, such as Ana, Ann, Anne, Annika, Annette, Hannah, and Ona. In the 1800s, Anna was the second most popular girls name and regained popularity again in the 1990s and is still popular today.
From the Hebrew origin meaning high mountain, the name Aaron first gained popularity in the 1990s.
It has several different variations, Aron, Arron, and Arin. In the book of Exodus, Aaron was the brother of Moses.
Abram, meaning high father is of Hebrew origin and was very popular in 2012 and 2015. Abram is a version of Abraham and can also be seen as Abe, Bram, Avram, or Avraham.
Adam, possibly one of the most well known biblical names, means man. Adamo is also a variation and was very popular in the 1980s and 2010s.
Alexander, although of Greek origin, there are several mentions of it in the Bible and means defender of men.
There are many versions of this name, such as Al, Alec, Alex, Aleksander, Lex, Xander, and Zander.
Bethany is actually a town at the foot of the Mount of Olives and means house of affliction. Bethany first became popular in 1987 and has held ranks over the years.
A very popular name, meaning son of the right hand, hit an all-time high in popularity in 2017.
Meaning queen, pure. It was very popular between the 1970s and 1990s and regained popularity in the 2000s. Variations include Candy and Candice.
Chloe meaning new growth has many different variations, Cloe, Chloë, Cloie, Cloey, Chloie, Kloe, Khloe, Khloé, and Khloey.
Caleb, with its different spellings of Kaleb, or Cal, means faithful.
Delilah, in the bible, is famous for getting Soloman to cut his hair, which gives him his strength. Meaning temptress was very popular in 2017.
While very popular in the 1950s and 1970s there was a come back of the name in 2017.
Meaning bee, there are a wide variety of variations of the name: Debra, Debbora, Debora, Devora, Devorah, Debbi, Debby, Deb.
Daniel is a very well know biblical name meaning God is my Judge from Hebrew origin.
There are a few varieties of the name, Danilo, Dan, Dannie, and Danny (which can also be used for girls).
The name Elizabeth has been in the top 15 names for girls for just about ever. Meaning My God is an oath or Hebrew origin.
There are many different variations: Alizabeth, Elisabeth, Elysabeth, Elyse, Elyssa, Elyza, Lilabet, Lilibet, Lizbeth, Liz, Betty, Betsy, Bessy, and Libby.
Some of the most famous Elizabeths are Queen Elizabeth and Elizabeth Blackwell who was the first woman to obtain a medical degree.
Originally of Persian origin, means star, was a very popular name in the 1800s.
Regaining popularity, there are several different variations; Estée, Ester, Ettie, Hester, and Hettie.
In reference to the Garden of Eden, meaning paradise. Variations include Eaden, Eadin, Edenia, Edin, Edyn.
Of Hebrew origin, meaning My God is Yahweh. In 2017, Elijah was the eighth most popular name with variations such as Eliya, Elias, Ilias, and Eli.
The second most popular name in 2008 and 2009, Ethan means solid, enduring. Coming from Hebrew origin, there are two common variations; Eitan and Eytan.
Of Hebrew origin, Ezekiel was a prophet in Jerusalem. Meaning God will strengthen, was in the top 100 names in 2017. Variations include Ezequiel and Zeke.
From Latin origin, means fortune. This name was very popular in the 1800s and regained popularity again recently, but does not seem to have variations.
From Hebrew meaning, God is my strong man, was among the top 20 names in 2010. Gabrial, who appears as an archangel in both the old and new testament and includes variations such as Gabe, Gabi, and Gavril.
Of Hebrew origin, meaning flight, there are several different variations including Hagir, Hajar, and Agar.
Peaking in popularity in 2013 at number 29 on popular names lists, Issac means he will laugh. Other variations include Ike, Isaak, Itzhak, and Yitzhak.
Meaning God is gracious, was very popular in the 1970s and has regained popularity. It includes many variations such as Joan, Joann, Joanne, Johanna, Jane, Jean, and Jeanne.
From Hebrew origin, meaning he will add, was very popular in the early 1900s and regained popularity in the 2000’s. Other variations include Jose, Yousef, Josef, Guiseppe, Jo, Joe, and Joey.
Has two different meanings, praised, and woman from Judea. Judith has been in the top ranking names for the last 20 years and includes variations such as Judithe, Judyth, Judy, Judi, Jodi, Jodie, and Giulia.
A very popular name in 2009, ranking in the top 25, means weary. It also has many variations including Lee, Leigh, Lia, Lea, Leea, Leeah, and Lieh.
Meaning from Lucania, from Greek origin was in the top 30 names in 2015 and still remains high. Other variations include Lucas and Luc. Both of the names Luke and Leah were made popular from the original Star Wars films.
Of Greek origin, means intelligent or a lady from Lydia Greece. It was originally popular in the 1800s but regained popularity in 2015 ranking in the top 80 names. Variations include Lidia, Lydea, Lyda, and Lidiya.
Of Latin origin, meaning polite, shining, was popular in the 1960s and had a resurgence in 2017. Other variations include Marcus, Marko, and Markus.
Meaning bitterness or rebellion has been in the top 100 names for the past 20 years to so. Variations include Marea, Mariah, Marian, Marianne, and Malia. Some other popular girls with the same meaning include Mary, Mia, and Miriam.
Gaining popularity in 2010 and steadily rising, Naomi means pleasant. Variations include Noemie and Noemi.
Meaning he gave, with variations such as Natan, Nate, Nathaniel, and Nathanael. Although still very popular, the name ranked in the top 20 in 2008.
Of Hebrew origin, means movement, became popular in around 2014 and does have any known variations.
Meaning rest, repose, Noah was the most popular name for boys between 2013 and 2016. Noah infamous for building the ark that saved the animals two by two and also includes the variation of Noe.
Of Greek origin, meaning lover of horses, the name was very popular in the 1940s and regained popularity in 2017 in the top 500. Variations include Phillip, Filip, Phil, Felipe, and Filippo.
Of Greek origin, means shining, and has steadily risen in popularity since the 1980s. Variations include Febe and Phebe.
From Latin origin, meaning ancient. Priscilla has ranked around the top 500 and includes variations such as Presca, Priska, Priscille, Cece, Cissy, and Scilla.
Rachel was a very popular name in the 1980s and 1990s and has made a comeback. Meaning ewe, there are several variations, such as Rachael, Racheal, Rachelle, Rachele, Rahel, and Rae.
From Hebrew origin, meaning to join or tie, was very popular in the 1970s and 1980s and regained popularity in 2017. There are also many different variations, including Rebeccah, Rebeckah, Rebekah, Rebakka, Becca, Becky, and Reba.
Although much more popular in the 1880s, there was a resurence in 2017. Meaning behold a son, variations include Ruben and Reuven.
Meaning friend, was among the top 10 names in the early 1900s and regained popularity again in the 2000s. Variations include Rut and Ruta.
Sarah, meaning princess in Hebrew, has ranked in the top names for a very long time. There are also many different variations, including Sara, Sarai, Sadie, Sally, Sallie, Sarita, Kala, and Zaria.
Meaning peaceful, was not a popular name until it was used by a celebrity in 2006 and since had a resurgence in 2017. It can also be spelled Shilo.
Meaning crown in Greek, was very popular in the 1940s and 1960s and still remains in the top 300 as of 2017. Variations include Steven, Stefan, Steffan, Esteban, and Steve.
Thomas is a name that has withstood the test of time and consistently ranked high on popular name charts. Meaning twin in Aramaic it includes variations such as Tomas, Thom, Tommy, and Toma.
Of Greek origin, meaning honoring God, was still among the top 200 names in 2015. Variations include Tim and Timoteo.
Meaning God remembers in Hebrew, was extremely popular in the 2000s. There are many variations including Zachariah, Zachary, Zackary, Zach, Zac, Zak, and Zacharias.
Best Biblical Names for Newborns
There ya go!
Fifty strong biblical baby names for 2024. Which names resonate with you?
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